How to write lyrics simply

 How to  write  lyrics simply 

The art of songwriting combines many skills.In terms of music, a songwriter  or songwriting team must tackle song structure , melody, harmony,rhythm and instrumentation.Beyond these musical components , songwriters must also tackle lyric writing.while there's no unifying secret to writing.great lyrics,developing a writing process can keep you focused  from the frist line the last.

[Following  few tips]
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1 .  Don't be scared  of imagery

Don't feel that  using  imagery will make your  lyrics too arty or flowery.used well , It can evokr emotions or moods that can't be created by using blunt description  alone.It is advisable to use catchy words.
Example  :-

Another day 🌿
another life✨
I changed when I smelled a flower🌼
It's complicated feeling Incomprehensible🌹

2 .  Elevator pitch

Try to have a clear idea  of what the song is should be able to sum up  the essence of  the song in one sentence.

Example :-

She  is the lighthouse  in night
               that will
Safety guide me home
And I'm not scared  of passing over

3 Use context

Adding back- story to explain the  situation  can add interest, and  can change the entire meaning  of any lyrics following it.I recommend for read ed sheeran's lyrics.he is great  song writer .

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Try  to listen  ed sheeran  supermarket flower  sentimental song.
4  be clear
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Remember  that the listeners might  miss a word or line,or three.Don't  rely on just one small line to put  the  whole song in context.

5  Experiment with pronounces

Songs do always  have to be written using  ' you'  o 'I ' . Lyrics  with plural pronouns such  as 'we' and  ' they ' for example, can give  ax  very  different feel to a song.avoid using too many different pronouncs in  the same song though  as  this may  be  confusing .

Example :-

I found a angel who met me today
but I need love for share my stories
I saw your love in your eyes
We can deal  our dreams together

6 Avoid filler
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If  possible , avoid  writing filler lines  in order to make rhythm work.It'  s   fine to use filler when mapping out the structure of the song, but yo should  use any subsequent re -  writes to try and make each line count in is own right.

write  lyrics  from your own experience .
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As obvious as it may sound,some of history's  greatest  songs are about  personal  experiences,with artists drawing on real -  life events and  traumas to spark their creativity.whether you have been hard times or great times,you can use your life experiences to great  affect.

On  the pitch

She's cuddle and loving me 😊
Like we're resembling  teddies  on the sofa
my eyes are closed And I'm feel warm .

On the pitch, where we  lay👒👒
I wanna stay inside all day
And it's cold outside, again
we're both so high😇

We could fly to hortant, kandy  or chilaw
We can go where you want Say the word and I'll take ya
(example )
[ C / A/ G]

Success is  stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.

Written by

sadeepa dewmith
Thank  you for read👑

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