When everything around you turns dark, you will be led to the light within you.🔰

       When everything around you turns dark, you will be led to the light within you.🔰

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The darkness of life might seem never ending but it is actually a beginning of a new journey.

Dark and bright phases of life give a form to our lives. We always welcome the bright phase but when the dark phase comes, we tend to not accept it very well. Once you have a true understanding of life, you stop seeing the dark and light phase as different phases but juts one life. You look for the purpose and stop feeling the pain.

The painful period is actually the period of self connection. It is only when we feel sad or disappointed that we halt and spend time with ourselves. The more we create this connection, the more we realise the light of life within us. Once we have this inner awakening, we also start to have acceptance in life.

The period of pain leads to inner awakening and inner connection. Once you are able to create this sense of connection, you will know that this period of pain also had a purpose, the purpose that you will, in the end, feel grateful about.

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