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Just like the weather, people change. 👑

Just like the weather, people change. 👑
Published from Blogger Prime Android App

🌲Don't invest yourself in the wrong people.Because when you invest yourself in wrong people ,they break you into pieces,they torn you apart

🍀Prepare yourself for worse .because life is so unpredictable.Just be prepared

🌷Time is beautiful teacher.It  filterw out the extras from your life,including people.we  can divide three categories of people .

🌸Number one category is of the people who see you in the misery in pain and backoff.they're like we are gone.we can't handle it.
Then there is another category of the people who are not there  with you,but they just want to cling on with you all the time.they are so weak,that they try  to stay in your shadow.
liberate yourself from those   people,because they are toxic for you.Don't let them cling on to you because they are not   there to help you.
Liberate them,liberate yourself, and then there is the third category .These beautiful people who are so selfless,that when they see you in pain.they stand next to you.they got you back.They don't share the limelight.They are just there for you.These are your people  value them🌼

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A happy person💌


       *A happy person*

                  Published from Blogger Prime Android App

🌸A Happy Person stops trying to change others, but instead focuses on changing self.
🌸A Happy person is one who accepts people for who they are.
🌸A Happy Person is one who understands that everyone is right in one's own perspective.
🌸A Happy Person is one who learns to "let go".
🌸A Happy Person is one who is able to drop expectations from every relationship and gives for the sake of giving.
🌸A Happy Person is one who understands that whatever we do,
we do it for our own peace.
🌸A Happy Person is one who stops proving to the world,
how intelligent one is.
🌸A Happy Person is one who does not seek approval from others.
🌸A Happy Person is one who stops comparing with others.
🌸A Happy Person is one who is at peace with oneself.
🌸A Happy Person is one who is able to differentiate between "need" and "want" and is able to let go well.

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*Informal contractions

      📚 *Informal contractions*📚 

     Published from Blogger Prime Android App

🔳Wanna=Want to 
I wanna go home.

🔳Kinda=Kind of
John's kinda cute.

I weep cos I'm in pain.

🔳Needa=Need to
They needa talk.

🔳Gotta=Got to
You've gotta leave.

🔳Outta=Out of
I'm outta money.

She misses ya.

🔳Lemme=Let me
Lemme look!

🔳Sorta=Sort of 
She's sorta tired.

🔳Dunno=Don't know
I dunno anything.

🔳Dontcha=Don't you
Dontcha find it?

🔳Gimme=Give me
Gimme the book!

🔳Hafta=Have to
We hafta know.

🔳Gonna=Going to
I'm gonna go.

🔳Hasta=Has to
He hasta work today.

🔳Usta=Used to
She usta live in Myanmar.

🔳Woulda=Would have
He woulda arrived soon.

🔳Shoulda=Should have
She shoulda called him.

🔳Musta=Must have
She musta been in a hurry.

🔳Oughta=Ought to
You oughta go.

🔳Innit?=Isn't it?
It's black,Innit?

🔳Alotta=A lot of
I eat altta chocolate.

🔳I'mma=I'm going to
I'mma sleep.

🔳Tell'em=Tell them
Tell'em the truth!

🔳D'you=Do you
D'you love him?

🔳Whatcha=What have you
Whatcha got there?

🔳S'more=Some more
I'll need s'more time.

Thumbs for ya🔰
Sadeepa dewmith 

Title : Safe Haven*

  *Title : Safe Haven*

       Published from Blogger Prime Android App

Year: 2013*
Language: English*
Quality : 480p*
Genre : Romance, Thriller*

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