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Title : The Twilight Saga Series*

       *🎥Title : The Twilight Saga Series*

Published from Blogger Prime Android App
*Year: 2009-2012*
*Language: English*
*Quality : 720p*
*Genre : Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance*

*upload by sadeepa*

༺ ──•◈•─ ─•◈•──༻
*FILM WORLD Movie Links*

*Download Through the Link Below*

The Twilight Saga: New Moon(2009)
Touch here 

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse(2010)
Touch here 

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part l(2011)
Touch here 

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part ll(2012)
Touch here 

              *Enjoy 🎬📽️🎞️🎥*



                     Published from Blogger Prime Android App

Your dream is too wonderful and lofty for you to give up. The future is too bright to be ignored. The potential that you have is too massive such that there is only one option of maximizing upon it. 

Challenges come along the way but that's not good enough a reason to give up. Everything worthwhile is met with obstacles but you cannot afford to base on the challenge to throw in the towel. Rather use the towel to wipe your tears and sweat and use the same towel as an exhibit as you give a testimony of what you have been through. 

Think about the dream continuously. Talk about it. Sleep over it, acquire knowledge on the line of your dream. Pray about it. Never neglect the dream lest it will deteriorate. 

Even if the world discourages you from going on, never take heed because they were not present when you received your assignment from the Man Maker. They may never understand why you are doing whatever you are doing. 

The good thing is that a time will come for them to understand and they will congratulate on your resilience to hold on even  against the odds.

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When everything around you turns dark, you will be led to the light within you.🔰

       When everything around you turns dark, you will be led to the light within you.🔰

Published from Blogger Prime Android App

The darkness of life might seem never ending but it is actually a beginning of a new journey.

Dark and bright phases of life give a form to our lives. We always welcome the bright phase but when the dark phase comes, we tend to not accept it very well. Once you have a true understanding of life, you stop seeing the dark and light phase as different phases but juts one life. You look for the purpose and stop feeling the pain.

The painful period is actually the period of self connection. It is only when we feel sad or disappointed that we halt and spend time with ourselves. The more we create this connection, the more we realise the light of life within us. Once we have this inner awakening, we also start to have acceptance in life.

The period of pain leads to inner awakening and inner connection. Once you are able to create this sense of connection, you will know that this period of pain also had a purpose, the purpose that you will, in the end, feel grateful about.

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Conquer 😊

golden love👑

                💍       golden love👑

            Published from Blogger Prime Android App   

What happens when you are crossing a difficult road or a difficult life situation with your loved one? You will unconsciously, hold each other's hand tight. 

When someone truly cares for you, they want you to be always protected and safe. Presence of someone you love and the feeling of closeness can make you feel secured even in the most fearful situation.

There are times when you feel disappointed. At this time your loved ones want you to know that you can rely on them and let go of your worries. To reassure, they might use gentle verbal or non verbal gestures. Holding hands can bring great deals of comfort because you feel their love and care for yourself. It is a gesture of compassion, understanding and kindness.

Make your presence felt in times when your loved needs you. It doesn't take much to lift up someone's spirit.Being present or holding hands might seem like a small gesture but it can add much to their strength.

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Colourful Phrasal verbs*_🔸

     🔸 _*Colourful Phrasal verbs*_🔸

Published from Blogger Prime Android App

🟢 _*write down*_🔹
to write information on a piece of paper 
▫️Do you want to *write down* my phone number?

🟢 _*lie down*_ 🔸
to start lying (on a bed, etc) 
▫️I'm going to go and *lie down* for a while.

🟢 _*go away*_ 🔹
to leave a place/someone 
▫️Why don't you just *go away* and leave me alone?

🟢 _*build up*_🔸
to increase 
▫️These exercises are good for *building up* leg strength.

🟢 _*blow up*_🔹
to explode 
▫️Luckily, the bomb didn’t *blow up*.

🟢 _*read out*_🔸
to say something out loud which you are reading 
▫️He *read* the list of names *out*.

🟢 _*go off*_🔹
to no longer be fresh 
▫️Has this milk *gone off?*

🟢 _*put back*_🔸
to return something to where it was 
▫️Can you *put* the book *back* when you've finished with it?

🟢 _*let down*_🔹
to disappoint 
▫️You've really *let me down.*

🟢 _*take off*_🔸
to remove (a piece of clothing) 
▫️It felt good to finally *take* my shoes *off* after a I on 9 day.

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What is the relation between Language and Society?!


*What is the relation between Language and Society?!*

       Published from Blogger Prime Android App

The study of language and society can be dated to about the middle of the twentieth century. Before that there were authors who commented on how language use was influenced or indeed guided by socially relevant factors, such as class, profession, age or gender. Indeed the father of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure saw language as a type of social behavior. Sociolinguistics is fundamentally concerned with the relationship between language and society . It studies and explains why people speak differently in different social surroundings; it is interested in explaining the function of language and the way it is used in conveying meaning Language is one of the most powerful emblems of social behavior. In the normal transfer of information through language, we use language to send vital social messages about who we are, where we come from, and who we associate with. It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person's background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person's language, dialect, or, in some instances, even the choice of a single word.


⚪May or Might*


*                 ⚪May or Might*

         Published from Blogger Prime Android App

〽️May is present form of might.👌🏻

*✅We use may:*
*🟢👉🏻 When we are not sure about something in the present or future:*
◻️Jack may be coming to see us tomorrow. (= Perhaps Jack will come to see us tomorrow.)

◻️Oh dear! It's half past ten. We may be late for the meeting.  (= Perhaps we will be late for the meeting.)
◻️She's had no sleep. She may be tired. (= Perhaps she is tired.)

*🟢👉🏻 We can use 'may' to ask for permission. However this is rather formal and not used very often in modern spoken English*
*💙 Examples*
◻️May I borrow the car tomorrow?
◻️May we come a bit later?May I borrow your pen?
◻️May we think about it?
◻️May I go now?

*🟢👉🏻To give permission in a formal way:*
◻️You may go now.
◻️You may come at eleven if you wish.

*🟢👉🏻We use 'may' to suggest something is possible*
*💙 Examples*
◻️It may rain later today.
◻️I may not have time to do it today.
◻️Pete may come with us

*🟢👉🏻We can use may not to refuse permission or to say that someone does not have  permission, but it is formal and emphatic:*
◻️You may not borrow the car until you can be more careful with it!
◻️Students may not wear jeans.


〽️Might is the past form of may.

*✅We use might:*
*🟢👉🏻When we are not sure about something in the present or future:*
◻️I might see you tomorrow.
◻️It looks nice, but it might be very expensive.
◻️It's quite bright. It might not rain today.

*🟢👉🏻 We use 'might' to suggest a small possibility of something.*
*💙 Examples*
◻️She might be at home by now but it's not sure at all.
◻️It might rain this afternoon.
◻️I might not have time to go to the shops for you.
◻️I might not go.

*🟢👉🏻 As the past tense of requests with may:*
*💚 Examples*
◻️He asked if he might borrow the car.
◻️They wanted to know if they might come later.

*🟢👉🏻 As a very polite way of asking for permission:*
◻️Might we ask you a question?
◻️Might I just interrupt for a moment?
◻️For the past, we use 'might have'.
◻️He might have tried to call while I was out.
◻️I might have dropped it in the street.

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